Miss M | New England Boudoir Photographer

Suffering from anxiety and body image issues, Miss M wanted to invest in herself and remind herself how beautiful she truly is. Check out what Miss M had to say about doing a Boudoir Shoot with us and how she felt afterwards!

Q: What made you decide to take the leap of faith and do a Boudoir Session?

A: I really loved all the stunning photos I saw, I so wanted in especially after seeing all these amazing women post about their experience. I really am happy to have done it and now want more.

Q: How did the session make you feel?

A: I felt amazing and empowered and already will be saving for another. I didn't ever think this was something I wanted to do and more then once at that.

Q: What would your advice for others be?

A: I would (and have been) telling everyone how amazing of an experience this is and just to jump and take the leap for yourself.

Q: Did anything change about the way you see your own beauty/sexuality/sensuality/body confidence as a result of this session?

A: I am much more confident as a result of my shoot and see myself differently than I had before. Women especially are always harder on themselves than anyone, and I've realized I needed to see myself how others do and the session definitely helped.

Q: What would you say to people who say they can’t do a Boudoir Session because they are too shy, nervous, etc.?

A: Just do it! I am shy myself, have super anxiety, I dislike my body and self a lot actually but I saw all these amazing women and how much confidence they had after and their testimonials.

Q: Anything else you would like to share?

A: I am so happy to have done this for myself, and have not one single regret, and I am now going to save for the next shoot. For me not only am I shy, have super anxiety, body issues, scars and all the typical things most women feel about themselves, but seeing these photos has made me rethink how I see myself. I never thought that this was something I would do especially since I do not spend money on myself much to invest in this shoot was really hard for me; I had savings and decided I should spend my own money on myself and I am so happy I made that decision for myself and did it. Thank you to everyone on the team that was there for me through this whole amazing and fun process.

Thank you Miss M for sharing your Experience with us! We absolutely loved having you - you are amazing!!

Interested in booking your own shoot? We would love to chat with you! 

Let’s Chat!

PS - Are you a past client who wants to write for our blog? We would love to feature you! Simply email us studio@kellimarieboudoir.com and we will publish what you have to say!! 


Hear from Miss K | Manchester, NH Boudoir


Why we include Hair & Makeup for your Session!